Saturday, October 12, 2013

Update #2

So, my readathon was interrupted by a few essential things such as spending time with family and eating good food, but... I have managed what was pretty much my only set goal for this readathon, namely finishing Game of Thrones! Yaay!

Status: FINISHED (approx 4am local time)
Book title: Game of Thrones
Author: George R.R. Martin
Pages: 801 pages total (approx. 200 read during the readathon)
Genre: Fantasy/high fantasy

Next read: Unsure...something much, much lighter than GoT for sure, haha!


  1. I'm am reading very short books from my shelves so I feel like I'm accomplishing something :)
    "Little by little does the trick." (Aesop)
    Or maybe we should say 'hour by hour' :)
    Team Tiger

  2. You did it--awesome! Hope you're enjoying your second (or third?) book now. Go #TeamTiger!

  3. You finished A Game of Thrones - excellent! I loved reading it. What book did you pick next? -- Not to long to go now :) #TeamTiger
