Saturday, October 12, 2013

Update #1

Hi guys!

Taking a break between books to update the blog and check out what other people are up to :) How is everyone doing?

Going to copy the template I used last year to keep track of my reading progress, so here we go.

Status: FINISHED (around 5pm local time, readathon start was 1pm my time, I think)
Book title: Checkout: A Life on the Tills
Author: Anna Sam
Pages: 192
Genre: real life/biographical/memoir

Next read: Game of Thrones - George R.R. Martin (what I have left of it)


  1. Hey Karine, Awesome reading! Sounds like you've started off with a Roar. #TeamTiger

  2. Hope you're still enjoying your reading--keep it up! :) #TeamTiger

  3. I love the read-a-thon!
    "How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives." (Annie Dillard)
    So let's spend today reading :)
    Team Tiger
